Bubblegum Ice Cream – only 3 ingredients Submitted by: Joanna | Date Added: 21 May 2015


2 teaspoons <a href="http://allstarextracts.com/Bubble-Gum-Flavor" target="_blank">All Star Extracts Bubblegum Flavoring</a>.&nbsp;<p>1.5 Qt of your favorite vanilla ice cream&nbsp;</p><p>For pink bubble gum ice cream add 10 drops of red food coloring
OR for a blue bubblegum ice cream, add 10 drops of blue food coloring


Cooking Instructions

<p>Thaw the vanilla ice cream enough to be able to stir.&nbsp;</p><p>Add the All Star Extracts Bubblegum Flavoring and stir thoroughly.&nbsp;</p><p>Freeze overnight in an air tight plastic container.
Serve in an ice cream parlor style dish or in a cone.

Yield: Makes 12 (1/2) cup servings</p>